Rosie knows that her questions are dangerous.

Aunty will hang them out like dead moles on the back fence.

The stench will turn milk sour.

TOWN is the moving tale of Rosie’s quest to find her birth mother, helped by a stranger and the magic of the town’s annual Festival. Dragons on bicycles, devils playing guitars and ‘a bit of magic after all these years’. This is only part of the glittering backdrop.

“Lively, bawdy, a verbal Beryl Cook fleshes out the secret worlds pulsing under the surface of an ordinary county town.”

“Tremendous performance of great narrative and immediate imagery. A triumph.”

Performed on tour by Joy Winkler and Andrew Rudd

View excerpt of TOWN via this link

Film backdrop produced by Ian Coppack features additional artwork by Karen Ross and Carl Longmate. TOWN was directed by Kevin Dyer and supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.



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